Saturday, December 29, 2012

Accepting the Impossible

Puzzling Parables
Part Two
In our second puzzling parable we look at two puzzles that require that we throw off the shackles of what is achievable; our second lesson is 'accept the impossible.

By this I of course mean that you should accept that the circumstances in the puzzle are impossible to reach by usual means, and start working on the unusual.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Deciding What's Important

Puzzling Parables
Part One

In this festive series I aim to introduce you to Logic and Lateral Thinking puzzles by getting you to accept the three certainties of puzzling. I have written a little story about each of these truths and I call them the Puzzling Parables.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Word Puzzles 101

Word Mechanics
Part Five

It's time to review everything we have learned about word puzzles, what better way to do so that with a crossword.